Rotary Tiny House
Rotary will provide a relocatable Tiny Home at the rear of an existing family or carer’s property to provide safe affordable accommodation for a young person at risk of becoming homeless. The Rotary Tiny Home model maintains family and community support structures that enable the young person to mature and transition towards full independence.
Rotary Tiny Home is modelled on a proven existing program Kids Under Cover (Kuc.org.au), but will be managed by a local Rotary in Western Australia structure. Rotary is exploring funding options including donations, grants, rent and loans.
At 18, fostered young people are required to leave Out of Home Care as support payments stop. Overcrowding and family circumstances also create pressure to leave home. There is almost no safe affordable rental for young people, especially without any rental history, secure employment or large rental bond.
As a result, 43% of young people leaving care do not have stable accommodation and are at significant risk of homelessness (WA Auditor General report 2018-19). Once homeless, with ensuing mental, addiction and other health issues, it is very difficult to get back to independent living and a lifetime of homelessness beckons. Rotary Tiny Homes prevents young people from ever being homeless.
Target 4th Quarter 2024